Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The IRS, Tax Protestors, and The Federal Reserve

W2's, 1099's, and 1040's oh my!
The dreaded tax season is coming up. Most people will be getting their W-2's and hoping for a refund. Virtually everyone automatically signs up to have their income taxes withheld and then mail in any remainders after they have filed their tax return. This is typically done without even questioning the system because it is "right" to support the government. But what happens to those who don't file their returns? Wesley Snipes, an actor made famous in the Blade movies has chosen to do exactly that: not pay his taxes.

Tax Protesters
CNN recently posted an article on the Wesley Snipe's Tax Trial which outlines the case and the defense that Wesley Snipes plans to use. The attorney Robert Bernhoft is representing him and has previously represented Joe Banister a former IRS agent (More information on Banister here).

These topics have more or less gone unnoticed and the media has demonized the "tax evaders". But no attention has been focused on why they are avoiding the income tax and why the income tax even exists. If the general public actually knew what the income tax pays for, there would be an uproar...

Income Tax and The Federal Debt
Here's a question for all of the readers out there: What would you do if you were told there was no law for paying income tax? Would you pay it? I'm guessing not.

Even those of you who may be thinking "Well what about public education and highways that are necessary? Shouldn't we pay taxes to support those things?". Schools are mostly funded through property taxes and highways are funded through the gas tax. Where does most of your federal income tax go you might ask? To pay the interest on the federal debt. (For more information why we don't need an income tax, see the movies I listed below and this article.)

The Federal Reserve: It's not who you think they are
Who then is the federal debt owed to? The Federal Reserve creates money and is lent at interest to the United States government. The interest on this debt is paid with YOUR income tax. Having taxpayer money going towards interest seems ridiculous when the government could create its own money interest free. Instead the government uses your income tax to pay off the interest owed to the Federal Reserve. But here's the fact that most taxpayers do not know: The Federal Reserve is NOT a government agency. It is actually a PRIVATELY OWNED, FOR PROFIT, bank! The private shareholders of the Federal Reserve are the ones making money from your income tax!

Crazy you say? There are many free movies on Google Video which go through these topics in depth. The Money Masters is a thorough 3.5 hour history of international banking and the Federal Reserve system. Money as Debt is a 45 minute animated video which goes into detail about money, debt, banking, and the fractional reserve system. Lastly, Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism discusses the federal income tax and IRS enforcement.

My Thoughts

I only became aware of this issue within the last month and it has completely changed my view on everything. The Federal Reserve has always been put on a pedestal and given credit for bringing economic stability to our country. However, if you watch The Money Masters, you will see that the Fed does not smooth out the economic cycle, but actually artificially creates the economic cycle for their own profit.

There is a reason why Alan Greenspan was considered "the most powerful man in america" or perhaps even the world. By reducing the interest rates to 1.0% after 2001, the Fed fueled the sub-prime mortgage crisis by allowing a tremendous influx of money and spending. When interest rates were raised, those who took out Adjustable Rate Mortgages were then unable to make their payments.

But now the Fed is trying to "correct" the problem after raising interest rates to over 5% in June 2006 by taking a drastic measure and cut interest rates today by 0.75% to 3.5% with more cuts in the immediate future. Regardless of the effect on the U.S. or world economy, the international bankers will profit.

If you are having skepticism on this issue, I completely understand. If someone would have told me this, I would have labeled him/her as a total nut-job and a conspiracy theorist. But after watching those videos I am 100% convinced that the Federal Reserve needs to be eliminated. Although this is a very new topic for me, I plan to blog extensively about this topic because I it is of paramount importance and unlike environmentalism does not get the proper media coverage that it deserves.

I know that most of you have extremely busy lives and that 3.5 hours seems like an eternity for a documentary on banking, but I would highly recommend watching The Money Masters. It WILL change your view on money, the economy, and the banking system.

Remember that awareness is the first step and change will not happen unless we educate ourselves. Please educate yourself by watching movies or reading books and distribute those resources to whomever you can.

Note: The information provided in this blog should NOT be considered advice to avoid paying your income tax. Although it is right to protest a system that is unjust and stand up for what is right, people are still being prosecuted for it. If you want more information about not paying your income tax, look at a free PDF of The Federal Mafia by Irwin Schiff for more information.

Related Links

The Money Masters
The Federal Reserve Bunk
Pay No Income Tax
Liberty Dollar

Recommended Books
The Federal Mafia

Recommended Movies:
All of these movies are free to watch on Google Video.
Money As Debt
The Money Masters
America: Freedom to Fascism

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